Jesse - I can highly recommend Dr. Ralph Tufano at the Head and Neck Center at Johns Hopkins Hospital - ENT and one of their best surgeons plus the fact that he is a wonderful, caring human being. Good Luck to you.
CGiver,husband,dx 5/06 SCC left tonsil,3 lymph, nodes,HPV+,IMRTx35, cisplatin/tarcevax35, neck dissection 11/06-starting HPV vaccine trial 04/07 JohnsHopkins

MARTY-Caregiver to husband (non-smoker/non-drinker)Dx 04/06 SCC Stage IV left tonsil-3 lymph nodes,HPV+,Tx 35xIMRT,35xcisplatin/tarceva,neck dissection 11/06, beginning HPV vaccine JHopkins 04/07.