Unfortumately the mandiblectomy had to be done through an external incision. It's extensive, running from the middle of my lower lip down my chin (it follows a natural crease, and is virtually invisible), down the centre of my throat to an inch above my collar bone, then runs across to a point directly under my left earlobe.

Then, it's straight up until it almost reaches the earlobe. When they removed the stitches, I lost count at 455, but today you truly cannot see it if I don't point it out to you. Even then, I have to actually trace along the scar with my finger for most people to visualize it.

the only point where you can actually see an incision line is right under my ear, and it's not very obvious even then. I believe that the plastic surgeons today can do amazing things.

As for going to recovery mode again....I'm doing that now, and have been for a couple of months now with dental implants. Could I have gotten by without them? Yes, of course. I am thrilled not to have to though. after what we've already been through, nothing additional seems all that bad somehow

There are quality of life issues that come up, even now. I think that if there is something that can be done to get rid of that orbturator, go for it. I doubt that you'll ever look back.

As for additional questions, please ask away.

SCC left mandible TIVN0M0 40% of jaw removed, rebuilt using fibula, titanium and tissue from forearm.June 06. 30 IMRT Aug.-Oct. 06