Hello Glenda,
Let me become part of the Tonsil cancer surviors club. I was diagnosed in Sept 2005,Stage 4, had 33IMRT # rounds of Chemo, A modified neck dissection, 4 months of a peg tube and even 39 treatments of HBO.Today Imust say that I feel great, I became a grendpa for the first time just a few weeks ago. Sometimes I feel like I never had this illness. One of the keys to well ness is attitude and approach, it certainly is not everything but it sure does help. You have to convince your self that you have cancer and cancer does not have you. All of the side effects are doable, the Peg tube will come out, your taste will return, your saliva problems and dry mouth will get better, as will swallowing. I have had some side effects such as scar tissue in my ear from radiation along with the removal of lymph nodes that has caused some hearing issues. Just something elese to have to deal with. I have more issues with my diabetes that with cancer. Life is such a great joy today, I rarely get stressed about daily BS, there is more too it than that, like Brian I have those occasional cancer survior anxiety moments but I can only control how I respond to those attacks and generally they pass rather quickly, always remember the glass is half full not half empty. Hang in there my dear friend and reach behind you to help others of the hill on this journey.