Hello, and sorry about your dad.

My mother 70yrs old has SCC on right side of her tongue. Never smoked a day in her life.
She just had surgery also. 3wks ago. Over half of her tongue removed with a skin graft done taken from her upper leg.
She had a CT scan of her neck and was normal so they did not take any lymph nodes out.
The dr. said they were going to do radiation and did not want to put her through that surgery unless he suspected that it had spread to her lymph nodes.
She is a stage 2. She will begin radiation in about 2 weeks.
Sounds like we have similar stories.
They did not mention chemo.
She meets with the RO in about 2 wks. So I am not sure of the full details involved in her radiation at this time.
She has surgery 3 yrs ago for dysplasia(abnormal cells) on her tongue. Now it has come back as SCC.
Back in 1986 and 1988 she had SCC on tongue. She had surgery then and had been fine up until 3 yrs ago.
How old is your father?
Did he have any tests done prior to his surgery.
CT scan or Pet Scan?
My mother is going to have a Pet Scan done before her radiation to look for any microscopic cancer cells not detected on a Cat Scan.
Did your father have this test done yet?

Like I said I am fairly new here. Just ask lots of questions. Keep us posted.