Hi Jay,

I don’t know if my case is the norm but I started to have symptoms in week 3, food started to taste different and some mouth soreness. Week 4 was ok but by week 5 I started to feel the typical symptoms. My tongue developed sores that made eating food very difficult and I started to need a nap during the day. Week 6 everything deteriorated. I started to lose weight and wasn’t interested in food. Survived on Baskin Robbins chocolate shakes. The hardest emotional part was finishing radiation and still being in so much discomfort. I started to use a pain med at night to sleep. I think I paced myself to get to my 30th radiation treatment and there was a letdown when I was still dealing with pain. I am now 6 days post radiation. Pain is more manangeble but now I have blisters in my mouth. I had to have two bags of fluids this week because I was very dehydrated. Probably down 10 lbs in the last two weeks but I really feel that I’ve turned the corner now.

Listen to your body and rest as much as you can. Wishing you all the best.
