Hi Maria. I'm new here and am just wrapping up my first week of radiation and chemo. I'm slated for seven weeks. Medical oncologist says she will be thrilled if she can get five doses of chemo in me. I am curious to hear about your progression with the radiation and what happened to you along the way. Like you my cancer is a head scratcher. Not HPV drank early in my career Wed-Sat? but for six years was that enough? Maybe. Anyway...if you can tell me anything to help me get through with the next six weeks I would be grateful.


--2003 SCC Left lateral tongue
Partial Glossectomy
--2015 SCC Left lateral tongue
T-II N-0 M-0
Partial Glossectomy SND
--1/30/18 SCC T-IV N-0 M-0
Segmental Mandibulectomy, Partial Glossectomy,
Fibular Free Flap (failed)
Emergency flap surgery (partial success)
Leech therapy (partial success)
M.I. in hospital 2 90% blockages
2 stents inserted
--3/2/18 Pec Flap
RAD IMRT 35 (in progress)
Chemo 7 doses Cisplatin (in progress)