Diagnosis for a recurrence is frustrating once so many years pass. I'm sorry your husband is having to revisit the same systems and scenarios he successfully managed in 2006.

The concept of a full glossectomy would be exceptionally tough to deal with. Particularly, after he has gotten used to the limitations resulting from a hemiglossectomy.

If he decides to not have the surgery. Your husband should consider how, as the tumor grows, his current functionality will most likely be adversely impacted. He will very likely end up dealing with the same issues as he would have with the total glossectomy.

There are no easy, absolute, clear choices.

1997 SCC Tumor on tongue - Partial Gloss
1997 Met to Lymph
Radical Neck Dissection / 2nd Partial Gloss
6 weeks chemo and radiation
2011 Stroke
2014 Recurrence SCC at Base of Tongue / Hemi-gloss
Free Flap reconstr from thigh
PEG Tube
Permanent Issues with speech and swallowing
2018 - Bleeding throat / mouth
2019 - Bleeding throat / mouth
2019 - 3rd diag Cancer SCC Base of mouth / jawbone
2019 - Aug remove portion of jaw / right pec det / free flap closure and tongue