Thanks Christine, I don't know how I'm going to push 2500+ calories a day into me, just one Boost makes me gag, I try to get in 3 a day but 10?


I've been doing cheese omelettes and macaroni and cheese, some creamy soups, but it hurts and seems like I always feel like puking, 24/7.

I've got a question for you, since you've been around here awhile. My wife was reading some other blogs and it appears to her that many of us guys who are getting this HPV16 stuff in our mid 50's also ride bikes quite a bit.

She thinks that maybe putting in too many miles per day/week on the bike is making our immune systems weaker, and that's why the virus is coming out 30 years after exposure. OR...she thinks it might be some of the supplements we eat/drink while riding bikes, stuff we add to our water bottles to replace electrolytes, etc. Or it might just be the fact that we drink a lot of water out of those plastic bike water bottles.

Have you noticed any correlation with the amount of HPV 16 showing up in guys who ride or run a lot?

diaginosed SCC 4/16
HPV 16 base of tongue
radiation only, no chemo, 30 treatments
last treatment 6/27/16