Hey everyone I haven't been in here for awhile. I've been dealing with getting my PET & CT scan. Done which just happened on last Tues. I had my laryngoscopy on weds. Let me tell you I'm so sore. I guess my EBT did some biopsies as well... My tongue looks horrible the parts I can see & it looks like I have a few stitches in it as well. Now yesterday I go in the bathroom to look at my tongue & it looks like its split in half!! I'm scared & nervous!! I can barely talk, cannot eat solids & I feel so sick. I had to call off from work cause I've been so sick. I cannot understand the nausea part & why. Is this normal? My days at my job are numbered I'm trying to hold on til I go back on the 11th to hear my fate but I'm not sure I'll make it.. I cannot stand the way my mouth smells either & there's nothing I can do. I'm so devastated with this diagnosis what do I do? I can barely get out of the bed, this is not me.. I want my life back. I'm tired of not being able to eat good food, heck I wanna chew again.... Please tell me what is the silver lining in all this I'm feeling defeated & I look defeated. [i][/i]
