Much thanks for the advice. The oral surgeon turned out to be quite knowledgeable. The tooth was not impacted, not erupted and not extracted. A bit of a relief since he had already had much work done in the last few weeks. Gearing up for radiation to start in 10 days. Have another meeting with oncologist tomorrow to resolve different recommendations regarding chemo from our second opinion.

Kate, wife of husband with
May 2015, SSCA left lateral tongue, T2N2bM0 Stage 4 , Age 58
06/01/15, L hemiglossectomy, modified L radical neck, clear margins, 2 nodes positive, no extracapsular extension. Perineural invasion on lingual nerve in tongue.

Tx completed 8/28/15, IMRT and 2 high dose cisplatin.
12/15 negative PT scan
5/16 negative PT scan
2/16 fitted with partial denture
12/16 3mm area of exposed mandible identified. Started on pentoxifylline regime
3/17 completed 40 HBO dives.