So learning this cancer has metastisized to his lungs is still kinda new. Chemo started yesterday. We are ever reminded of his poor prognosis with all the red tape and paperwork the army requires. I am trying to wrap my brain around it. Truly I am. To hear and see in writing how advanced this is and that even with chemo his cancer is deemed terminal is so hard to grasp because he seems fine. He is even having issues accepting it because he feels fine. What can a person do to actually accept what is going on-a grim, grim outlook, when there are no signs at all? I don't want to skip around in denial to be broadsided later, but I just don't know how to do this. Does any of this make any sense at all? I just feel so blasted lost and confused. Thanks for listening!

Husband tongue cancer 7/01/14 (forward/right half of tongue)
43 years old at diagnosis
Partial glossectomy/node removal 7/31/14
PEG tube placed
2 mos high dose radiation
2 treatments cisplatin, 3rd was cxld due to hearing issues
cancer in both lungs, stage 4, 05/18/15
chemo port to be placed on 05/21/15
Full scan on 05/21/15
Chemo, 3-4 types (names etc coming soon) for 7 mos
4th type depends on clinical trial and if placebo or not
He is planning to defy all odds and kick this cancer!