Hi. My surgery is now moved to Weds. April 22. I know there is a chance they will only have to remove less than 1/4 of the right side of my tongue and maybe just graft it...possibly just suture it if they remove even less. Not quite sure on all that. They are going to do a right neck dissection also.
I have had surgeries before, but there is something about someone cutting my tongue that just is freaking me out. I have been thankful that they found this at the dentist early on. I took the next few days off work cause I work night shift and I just need to sleep regular and stop talking to people about it at my job, even if they do ask out of concern.
I am just nervous I guess cause I don't know what I will be waking up to. The surgeon said he can't make promises till he gets in there. It will take about a week to a week and a half to get the results on the lymph nodes back.
How long did any of you take for your tongue to heal up if it wasn't a full half taken off? Sorry for sounding like a whiney big baby. I am thankful I have insurance, friends and a CCC to go to so close to my place. Denise

Biopsy tongue 3/24/15
Diagnosis SCC tongue/floor of mouth
Partial glossectomy, resection and right neck dissection done
05/01/2015-no further treatment indicated at this time,
monthly check ups for two years