
Reading your post about seeing improvements continue past the first year is very encouraging. I sure hope there are still improvements to be had! I have noticed that about every 3-5 weeks or so there is some noticable improvement. It's great to see how many years out you are from all this - gives a lot of hope -I refuse to believe this can't be beat - and then again, I have been accused of having a "pollyanna" attitude. Anyway, one day at a time.

Do you have a dry mouth or did you avoid that? I have some saliva production but still carry a water bottle everywhere - it's livable and I certainly stay hydrated! Thanks for your encouragment - you give me hope.


SCC Base of Tongue Stage IV- 2/04 - 40 Rads 1/2 conventional, 1/2 IMRT; 3 chemo treatments consisting of Carboplatin/Taxol/5-FU; Right Radical Neck Dissection
7/04; scans and pathology clear