Thanks for the replies y'all. I'm going for my final treatment in an hour and I'll ask the doc the same questions I posed to you. I'll move my posts to the post treatment thread afterwards and try to report regularly on my progress.

Going in to #30 my neck burn is distracting but not intolerable with the Aquaphor cream, usually worse by the end of the day. Interior of my mouth and tongue are a little sore and touching my tongue to the roof of my mouth feels like licking fine sandpaper. Throat is a little sore and real dry but I can swallow fine (mostly "Boost" protein drink and a cup of noodles once in a while for texture). Scrambled eggs go down pretty well also although I can't taste them. I have noticed in the last couple of days it is easier for me to accidently aspirate liquids when swallowing. Don't know why that is.

See you on the other side.

Male, age 65, smoker, former drinker. Retired corp. pilot. diagnosed with stage I squamous cell in the lower tongue. Fairly active. I don't "exercise" exercise but work in the lawn and garden and work on my hot rod cars.