Sorry - PaulB, thanks also for your helpful and informative reply. The cisplatin chemo I had initially was not intended as a treatment of the cancer itself, but as a means of making the radiotherapy more effective - I don't know what the term may be in English smile. I'm just guessing, but believe for that it was fairly low doses (175mg).

They do all sorts of heart checks etc. before the treatment starts, indeed, so obviously that side is a concern. Interesting that the face rash etc. indicates it's working - there's a positive side to everything! Must remember that.

sweetpe, thanks for your comment too. I believe they have dismissed other forms of treatment now anyway, i.e. they do not consider that surgery would be effective (in fact, probably dangerous as possibly liberating more cancer cells into the system), and radiotherapy is also not seen as the best option this time, although I am going to talk to the radiotherapist myself to understand why (at least for reduction in size of the growth?). That being said, the chemo consultant did call and speak to him while I was there, because he wanted to understand the decision making processes that had gone on - he was surprised I had previously had the lung metas surgically removed rather than treated by radiotherapy, and was satisfied with the answer; but he didn't convey it to me or I didn't take it in. One doesn't always take things in when the brain is coping with emotional stufff, eh.

6/09 lump undr chin
10/09 SCC R tonsular fossa T4N0M0, spread to tongue
11/09 R tonslctmy, partl glssctmy, nd
2/10 IMRTx30, Cispltnx3
5/10 thrombosis port cath remvd L jugular blckd
1/12 mets R lung, part lung remvd
1/13 mets R lung
2/13 partl lobectmy upper R lobe
12/14 MRI enlrgd nodes meta oesophgs
1/15 DX recur 4cm lymph
2/15 Start 6xCispltn+Erbitx+?