Kat - Great news. It really sounds like you are doing the right things. Its good that you are being proactive about your care. No one will ever care more about your care than you do, so its good to be both knowledgeable and involved. Second and third opinions are ALWAYS a good idea with this disease.

I am clear now for two years and I have learned that the ent docs (typically surgeons), see this disease through that surgeon's lens and their recommendations reflect that. An oncologist looks at this condition in a slightly different way and makes recommendations based more on their unique training. Same with the radiation docs. I had to learn to stir all that advice together and make my own decisions.

Its great to hear that you are doing so well. Keep up the good health!! Tom J -

Mine was t4 tongue tumor with mets to the neck. I had no surgery, only chemo and radiation (lots of both) and am doing great.

SCC BOT, mets to neck, T4.
From 3/03: 10wks daily multi-drug chemo,
Then daily chemo with twice daily IMRT for 12 weeks - week on, week off. No surgery. New lung primary 12/07. Searching out tx options.