Hello and welcome to OCF, wish it would be on more pleasant circumstances. First, be very happy to be at Mayo and in the hands of experts. Nothing you can do about the past messups, focus all your energy on being a good listener to what is coming at you now. It may feel like drinking from the fire hydrant but read as much as you can from places as this site and get informed as rapidly as you can.

This sounds like a long and extensive treatment plan and it is going to be rough but he will get through it. So will you. There are going to be some tough stretches but stay close here and post whenever you have questions or need so advise.

Good luck,

Male, 57 - Great health except C
Dec '12
DX: BOT SCC T2N2bMx, Stage 4a, HPV+, multiple nodes
1 tooth out
Jan '13
2nd tooth out
Tumor Board -induction TPF (3 cycles), seq CRT
CRT 70gr 2x35, weekly carbo150
ended 5/29,6/4
All the details, join at http://beatdown.cognacom.com