Everyone - thank you all for your help, your advice and your moral support.

I'm still waiting on the fully detailed reports from the second biopsy but I have conducted one of my consultations on Friday - the one at the new (Scripps) proton therapy clinic in San Diego. I have a consultation with surgeons at UCSD's Moores Center for Cancer Research scheduled for Monday and a consultation visit with a radiation oncologist on Thursday. Knowing now of the UCSD Moores Center's reputation as an NIMH CCC I'm going to schedule something further with them - once I've got the full biopsy report and the initial consultations - and ask for their recommendation as well.

Specific to the proton therapy, I wonder if anyone has any thoughts. My understanding is that it is fairly analogous over all to traditional 'photon' IMRT radiaton but that proton treatments can be applied to the cancer much more accurately with the upside being much less damage to healthy cells etc. surrounding it. The sort of description I was given was that IMRT shoots radiation in a tightly focused beam but does penetrate all the way through whereas proton beams are more controlled and can be 'painted' on to the target area. (This is layman speak obviously.)

Dx at age 47 (in 2014-06), non-smoker.

2014-06 biopsy confirms SCC in BoT w/ HPV16+, Stage T4aN2M0
main tumor plus 2 nearby lymph nodes; bilateral; no metastasis?

2014-07-01 single molar (#3) extracted

2014-07-21 IMRT (35x) and Cisplatin (3x) have begun

2014-09-05 IMRT and Cisplatin finished! (only had 2x Cisplatin - weeks 1 and 4)

2014-09 to 2014-12 Recovery. I think I can...

2014-12 follow-up PET/CT scan is negative. All clear!

2016-05 all subsequent PET/CTs negative.