Hey All,
If there's a post about this already, it didn't come up when I searched so I'm sorry if I'm repeating...

My dad just finished treatment 4 weeks ago and in the last few weeks seems to have lost sensation and control of his right foot. He drags it or very consciously picks it up with each step in order to walk. A google search about radiation effects to extremities when radiation is received in the head/neck yielded nothing. SO, my question is, is this a typical radiation side effect or is this more likely some goofy thing unrelated to his cancer treatment?

Thanks in advance for your help here!

39yo DAUGHTER to:
71yo Dad with SCC throat cancer BOT, Jan 2006
Chemo and radiation Feb-Mar 2006 (trach, feeding tube)
Cancer-free April 2006
Remission!! April 2011
Recurrence Jan 2014- Stage 1-2, BOT SSC
Chemo and radiation Feb-Apr 2014
Waiting on a scan in Jul 2014 to check effectiveness of treatment.