Hi again

I saw another ENT yesterday (so thats 4 now) who said my symptoms are not suggestive of anything sinister and the CT, MRI and ultrasound scans that I have had done support that this is the case. He looked in my mouth and ears, felt around my neck but diddid not scope me. The other 3 did however and could not find anything.

He suggested that the thickening of my mucus could have been triggered by a viral infection (which I did have towards the end of september that was quite bad) and its a matter of wait and see. I've been put on Avamys for 1 month to see if anything changes. He basically wants to manage the symptoms and said it could be lifelong.

Thanks so much for all your help with this. For now I am going to enjoy the lead up to the wedding and then 2 weeks on my honeymoon in the Cook Islands.