Thanks Anne-Marie ad Tony. It good to hear from people who have experience with this. I feel very alone most of the time and believe I am becoming depressed.

I've decided that I will get the CT scan done. I went to my dentist today who was very helpful. Her husband is a radiologist and she is going to get him to call me to speed up the CT scan process. I'm also booked in to see a more experienced ENT on 19 March.

I feel quite upset. I actually have my wedding in 3 weeks and then honeymoon 2 weeks after. I'm really scared about this being something bad. My fiance says its probably not but I can't help but worry. While I haven't been diagnosed I never thought I would ever face even the thought of something like this before I hot at least 50.

Tony, what other symptoms did you have and how were you diagnosed? My current ENT says my tonsils look small with no signs of cancer? Would the ENT see the cancer with his scope or could be deep in the tonsils and not visible? Also, will the CT pick it up? Sorry for so many questions at once. I'm just so scared right now.

Many thanks