Hey Tony, I think my cardiologist might trade me out when HE gets MY bill. Haha. One Important thing of note. The doctor that saved my life told me that the only reason I lived long enough to get to him was like you I am a workout warrior. Averaging (4) 5 mile walks, 2000 push-ups, 2000 Ab reps and 3 gym sessions a week.it paid off. Trying to balance bad genetics cardiowise. Have a wonderful holiday and more importantly many,many more.also thanks for the support and words of encouragement you give everyone.

discovered a golf ball in my neck St.Paddy's day 2010.
Dx stage 4a left tonsil ca may 2010 at 50
non smoker, moderate beer drinker
HPV-16 pos.
9 weeks Cisplatin
35 rads
nov.2010 PET NED
2011 2x PET NED
2012 2x PET Ned
3/13 Pet NED
SEptember 2013 Pet uh-OH.questionable and anxious
follow up pet, yup, its back.
mets to sub clavivular and mediasteinum nodes
biopsy positive scc.
trying to figure out next step
my imaginary friends think I am crazy.