Hi ZAP, Mark mentions the Mayo Clinics. I had oral cancer in my lower Jaw and on the tip of my tongue. I was refered to the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Aarizona. \After the Mayo team evaluated my cancer they made a plan of action, and kept myself and family informed of every move they made. I had surgery in January 2003 at the Mayo Hospital in Phoenix. It lasted ten hours. The team of doctors kept my husband informed of what was taking place every hour. They did an excellent job. I was hospitalized for almost three weeks and under constant care. While I was there I learned about the Mayo Drs. They head Dr. traveles the world and lectures about Oral Surgery. They are very well known. When I finally returned to Tucson, my Drs. couldn't believe what a fine job I had at the Mayo. They said I got a "Hollywood Job'" . Now I am well past the two year mark and am Cancer free. If you have to have that type of surgery you might as well go to the best. Best of Luck

