Thanks all. We did move him to hospice care because the docs ran out of things. It is hard to tell what is causing his increasing weakness. The biggest problem is the unending and ever increasing pain. He is oe some very heavy meds - 250 Fentanyl Patch, and 2 to 3 cc's of oxycondone for breakthrough pain - which is is now taking several times a day. Despite this, he still has 10 level pain several times a day. He knows he can increase his pain meds (Fentanyl can go to 300 and then methadone and morphine), but he knows that every med increase makes him more distant from awareness of what is going on.

I wont go into all the details about what is happening - bleeding, nausea, etc, but hospice is amazing.

Ultimately, pain control will be the issue and might get ahead of any metastases issues - and I think that is a good thing.

AWW, Brother of Dave, 60
Pre-canc 10 years ago
Biopsy Dentist 10/12
Stage 2 SCC 2.5cm
no action
5/13 to DanaFarber
Examined by Surgeon, MO, RO
Stage T4, 4.5cm, no METs, or lymph nds
Started treatment 6/17 - RT 5x/wk, Csptn 1/wk, for 7 wks - will end 8/5
PEG since his first week.
Treatment ended 8/5
Scans scheduled for 10/30, with FU appointment 11/6
11/1 - Treatments didn;t work. Tumor continues to grow.