Hi Everyone,

It's now a couple of days since I've been home and I'm now 10 days post op. The swelling of my tongue is going down everyday and my speech is becoming clearer. I'm starting to feel a little braver about chewing food - last night I tucked into salmon fillet, broccoli and mash and really enjoyed it although I chewed very carefully. I really hope the tingly feeling in my tongue goes soon - that feels very odd. I have found the worst part of it actually has nothing to do with re reconstruction or the neck dissection. Being so long on the operating table has caused me to have chronic back pain which means it is difficult to do everyday things - even getting dressed is a trial, plus I have a huge area on my back which has no feeling it. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

Cheryl aged 50. Long time smoker but quit 4 years ago - rarely drink alcohol
Referred oral health 17th Sept '13 -
Incisional biopsy right tongue 23rd Sept '13
MRI 30th Sept '13
Confirmed invasive moderately diffirentiated SCC 2nd October 2013 - Chest Xray and MRI Clear
Surgery planned 12th Nov '13 Partial glossectomy, neck dissection, flap from forearm.
Surgery cancelled - non-availability of HDU bed
Surgery resceduled 18th Nov '13
Fighting fear on a daily basis but keep smiling.