
As a highly independent 40 year old, I felt a bit smothered by my family who stayed with me post-surgery. On the converse, I was really disappointed that some of my friends didn't even bother to call and check on me. I know, there's not much logic. It's a bit of balancing act, as I was struggling after the surgery (I was carrying 40 pounds of fluid on me, and looked like the goodyear blimp, fit into nothing except PJ's so I was dressed for bed anytime people came by, which is embarrassing as a grown professional woman).

Try and think about what you want when you are really sick with the flu. You want people around sometimes to make tea and toast, but not all the time, because you're exhausted and feel gross.

Diag: Aug. 13/12
50% + glossectomy and bilateral radical neck dissection, removal of nodes zones I - V
Surgery October 11/12
Chemo/rad on hold due to clear margins and nodes
Sept 21/13 clear CT with anomaly thought to be the artery, being watched closely.
Dec 16/13 - anomaly confirmed artery, all clear
nickname: "get 'r done"
Plans: kick cancer's butt