Found a growth on the underside of my tongue about 8 weeks ago. It first showed up right after I had some wisdom teeth extracted so I figured it was just some irritation from that. After my gums healed but my tongue still hurt I decided to see my regular doctor just to get her opinion. She tried to get me into an ENT right away for their opinion, but since it was a friday after a holiday(july 5th) no one could get me in until monday. Monday rolled around (finally) and I got a call that my appointment had to be postponed because the ENT had called in sick that day. My doc made some calls and got me into someone else Tuesday morning, did a biopsy then. Today I finally got the rusults - squamous cell cancer. Not sure of the stage yet, did a CT scan today, then seeing a specialist Monday. It's been a roller coaster of a day calling all my immediate family. Not really sure what to do in the meantime other than try not to dwell too much. If there are any other younger survivors/patients on here that wouldn't mind sharing your experiences I would appreciate it as I can't really find too many stories in my age group online. Will be sure to post updates as I get them. Thanks