A lot has happened since my last visit here. Treatment with radiation daily for seven weeks and chemo once weekly with carboplatin has begun. Pain has become a big issue due to my husband's previous five back surgeries and the need to get on the table for his treatments. With the help of the palliative pain team and the addition of liquid morphine and methadone, his pain has been managed fairly well. He has had difficulty with his hemoglobin and did require a transfusion this week as it was 7.5. Having said this, the tumor is responding amazingly well to the treatment. Keeping his weight up has required increasing his tube feelings to six cans a day but whatever it takes! Becoming a nag to keep him swallowing! Tough job but somebody's gotta do it. wink

Halfway thru treatment. Praying and taking it one day at a time.

Husband 63 yo
4-vessel bypass 2004
Right Heart Failure
Scc(a) 6/13
6/12/13 PEG
PET 10/21/13 bone METS T7, rt humerus, rt acetabulum
Right and left upper lobe lung lesions
Right lower lobe lesion