Two weeks ago my husband, who has been quite ill with right heart failure and confined to bed for the last two years on continuous oxygen, went to the dentist for what he believed was a "cut" tongue from a broken tooth. He has been on high dose pain meds for years following five back surgeries and bilateral foot drop. So I am assuming his pain was masked. Anyway after hearing our dentist say wow, we proceeded on the same day to the oral surgeon. The oral surgeon looked into my husbands mouth and said, " I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you have cancer and its in the lymph nodes. We have a great relationship with our PC doctor and called her immediately. She called the ENT and set us up for the Cancer Center the very next morning. Since that time he has had a CT and PET. Yesterday the ENT discussed surgery that would include removing the tongue, voice box and jaw. He said it would be about a 12 hour surgery. He has positive nodes in the neck. Tomorrow meeting with surgeon and oncologist and need to know what questions to ask.

Husband 63 yo
4-vessel bypass 2004
Right Heart Failure
Scc(a) 6/13
6/12/13 PEG
PET 10/21/13 bone METS T7, rt humerus, rt acetabulum
Right and left upper lobe lung lesions
Right lower lobe lesion