Thanks again everyone.

Paul - Yes there was ECE found. The 60Gy I mentioned was the inital idea with the radiation only treatment. I'm unsure what the new plan is and have my first oncology appointment on the 24th June. It will be to both sides of the neck though since the tongue drains bilaterally. I would now imagine it would be a nigher dose since it's more extensive than first thought.

Cheryl - Yes I'm so glad I had surgery first. It just felt like the right thing to do to surgically remove the cancer and then treat any remnants.

Don - So glad you're out the other end of treatment and are feeling so well. It's lovely to hear stories like this when I'm at the start of the journey.

Thanks Paul.

39yr old female, DX BOT SCC Stage IVA (T1N2bM0) HPV+
28 May 13 - Pharangoscopy & tongue biopsy
29 May 13 - BOT Surgery & right ND (lvls 2-5)
31 May 13 - Hemorrhage, emergency trach, critical care
BOT clr mgns, 9/67 nodes & extracapsular extension
Finished chemo (cisplatin) & 30 rads