Hello everyone, thanks for the replies.

I will ask my doctor to refer me to an ENT tomorrow morning when I see her, I'll update after my appoinment to tell you how it all goes, hopefully she shouldn't object.

Today my main problem has been with my throat, it's very strange sensation I get. It feels kind of inflamed and the sensation of something being in my throat is worse, like it's gotten bigger; and it's all in the lower part of my throat, where a doctor cannot see with just their eyes and a light (around where the adams apple would be I guess), I have a spray the doctor last week suggested I use (Difflam), and it helps a little but not much, it kinda stings when I spray it down my throat.

My tongue is also very strange and it's done this once before, I'm not sure whether it is doing this it not; or if it's just my imagination. whilst the swelling has never been hard as such and I've always been able to push it in like I can on the other side, it's been fairly firm. Today though it feels softer than it has in the past few weeks, I don't know why or even if it is softer or if its just my mind playing tricks on me (probably). I have also got third sensation of something being sticon on my tongue, but I'm pretty sure it's the tastebuds right on the edge of my tongue rubbing slightly, where the swelling is; it has done this before in both sides of my mouth though.

I have had a white coating on the top of my tongue for years (since I was about 12), but it comes off when I brush it for the most part. I did see a dermatologist about it and he said he thinks it's geographic tongue.

Anyway, I really do need to stop with the Googling, as I've been told as it really really doesn't help at all.

No diagnosis as of yet. 20 year old female, do not smoke or chew, very very rarely drink and then only in extreme moderation, HPV-.