Hi mtnwmn:
The cigarettes, the Alcohol,the Vitamin regimen I was on are all out of my life. The reason I go on about the vitamins is because of the new studies coming out about them, the fact is if this becomes true, that to a smoker there is a risk to all types of cancer. My energy will be focused on going after the manufacture that I so religously took for the last 8 years of my life. and if all else fails hopefully the medical professions will be pro-active with their patients and give them the knowledge of what not to take if a person is smoking. I have noticed on some of your American Ads regarding FDA approved persciption drugs that at the end of the commercial the audience is informed if there is a risk to smoking and cancer while taking the medication. This is the direction I am going. I know this is all up hill and I may not get anywhere with it but I will be that much more knowledgeable about the use of these products they call anti-oxidants and antidotes that are claimed to ward off everything from hangovers to lung cancer. Concerns are mounting over the safety of these products which are classified as foods, and therefore undergo less rigorous testing than medicines.