
Best wishes to you. My first scan is still a month away, and I'm already stressing about it as well. It's hard not to be a pessimist when we deal with this.

I'm with you on the wishy wasy answers. I have had the same experience, and it's enough to make me want to scream sometimes. I take a deep breath, and think of all the things that could be worse. After all, we're still here.

I'm also an agnostic, but it's made me wonder, damn, what if I'm wrong? Hell would suck worse than treatment.

Diag: Aug. 13/12
50% + glossectomy and bilateral radical neck dissection, removal of nodes zones I - V
Surgery October 11/12
Chemo/rad on hold due to clear margins and nodes
Sept 21/13 clear CT with anomaly thought to be the artery, being watched closely.
Dec 16/13 - anomaly confirmed artery, all clear
nickname: "get 'r done"
Plans: kick cancer's butt