My husband saw the surgeon on Monday abd the news was not as good as we had hoped. We already new the biopsy had come back as SCC tumor 4 cm at the base of the tongue. We were hoping for robotic surgery, minimally invasive, with more precision and shorter recovery. When we left the Dr.'s office, I was numb. The plan is to do 2 surgeries on the same day. The first team will do the disection of the tumor and surrounding tissue as needed. About 5-6 hours. Then the second team will perform the next surgery of reconstruction of the tongue and surrounding tissue as needed using a free flap procedure with tissue removed from the thigh. I came home and did some research on line and OMG! I guess this must mean they are planning on taking some of my husband's face... Has anyone been through this and if so what's up?

Bette/CG to husband Reggie 66

dx 1: SCC Soft Palate (12/06)
tx: chemo and rad

dx 2: SCC 6 cm tum rt. vocal chord (12/09)
tx: total laryngectomy with stoma, 2 nodes

dx 3: SCC 4 cm tum BOT (10/16/12)
Tx: partial gloss w/ mod deck dis 4 nodes incl. part. pharyngectomy