My friends are absolutely the best! I love them SO much. I can't believe the people who have crawled out of the wooodwork to help. One of the surgeons that I worked with brought over his trailer on the day of his 50th birthday bash (200 guests, band, bar, catered food...the whole 9 yards) so I can start sorting and donating stuff. Other people I worked with have been doing yard work and taking care of my garden...often they come over before I'm even awake, to work before the heat of the day...I don't even know who all is doing these things.?.who to thank. People bring small casseroles over for my dad's dinner. It amazes me how kind and caring everyone is being.

My father wants to keep my cats when I'm gone, but I just set up a backup plan, for when he goes (he's 82.) Sue was my sister's Very best friend growing up...she was devastated when she learned of Lori's suicide. She's a cat lover since childhood and has experience with feline renal failure. She offered to take them, if for some reason Dad can no longer manage it. She lives in Denver, but her parents are still in town, so she wouldnt really have to make a special trip. I've set aside money in my will for their care. I feel like a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Dad is going Monday to put the exact same thing in his will...whew! Getting care for my kitties was a huge worry for me.

I'd really like to move back into my own house for a little while. I had my kitchen remodeled, but I haven't gotten to enjoy it yet. Soon I won't feel good enough and I'll have to move back in with dad for good...but I'd really like to use the new appliances ( especially the dishwasher!) I don't think my dad wants me to go, but I need to for me. Wish me luck, I'll probably start fighting that battle in the next week or so.

Gues I'm done rambling. Time for bed. Goodnight friends.