Crossing my fingers, legs, eyes and anything else I can cross for good luck for you. Will keep positive thoughts and many prayers coming your way. I'd say "relax and don't worry", but I know the anxiety that comes along with each and every biopsy. Praying for good news for you. You certainly deserve It.

Wendy 48@dx
Dx 2/11 stgIVSCC BOT
Dx 3/11 stgI breast (3rd of 4 sisters dx'd)
4/11 dbl mastectomy; no further tx reqd
5/11 PEG placemt;
5/11-7/11 chemox7;IMRTx35;
MRND 9/11
11/12 Dx:papilledema;hydrocephalus;psuedotumor.
11/12 LumbarPeritoneal Shunt
12/12 PEG Out; 100 lbs lost
All scans clear