I am a new guy here, 58, never smoked, rarely drink, squamous cell base of tongue with lymph node involvement, HPV type. Doctors at Cleveland Clinic are very optimistic, seem great so far, report high success rates for my particular cancer. Radiation and chemo begin 8/20/12.

Am trying to be optimistic, see many encouraging things in the forums (thank you all!) but also see things I didn't even know might be issues to worry about and then go the opposite direction. Was doing OK until the mask was fitted, could barely manage the mouthpiece without gagging, was not told how tight it would be. Can't tell you how frightened I am now as I contemplate the daily radiation under that mask; am hoping the Ativan will help, but if anyone has suggestions about avoiding gagging, or what to do if it happens, I would be SO thankful.

In addition I will be on Cisplatin, one dose at beginning of radiation and another three weeks later. Is this typical? Would spreading it out (if even possible) reduce side effects or have other advantages?

Have mild pre-existing tinnitus and very mild pre-exisitng peripheral neuropathy--slight loss of feeling in toes and fingertips, barely noticeable. However, am concerned about cisplatin worsening these. One person mentioned carboplatin alternative having less such risks but cannot locate any more about it. Does anyone have any info about it?

Would love to hear from anyone who has suggestions, who's had experience with similar cancer or treatment, or who is/was treated at Cleveland Clinic. Thank you all for all you have posted, and the support you have shared.

Ed H

Last edited by Ed H; 08-13-2012 05:14 PM.