Sorry for the mix up Frack, After the several year nighmare with these PEGs, against my doctors advice I am going without. For me they were a nightmare. The nasal tubes are extremely painful and of course out in the open. I didn't really care, I still went about my business. After last September and then the serious infection earlier this year, for me if I can do without it I will. I have to be very careful eating though. I can't try to eat any solid food without adult supervision i.e. my husband. I don't very often, but when I do he is present. Last month I was home alone and saw a box of Milk Duds in the pantry. I made the mistake and ate one. It got lodged in my throat, and as I was choking, I thought, after going through all this cancer stuff I am going to be done in by a Milk Dud and my family will find me dead. Luckily I was able to dislodge it. I will never try that again!

Stage 2
DX 07/12
Partial Glossectomy (Rt half 07/09 and 01/10) Radical
PEG: Many/last one almost fatal
RX: MS Contin, Percocet, Klonapin, Omeprazole, Wellbutrin, HCTZ, Ambien, Zofran Injections
QOL: Difficult but optomistic