Thanks for the helpful insight. It is the thought of food, the taste and the smell that make him nauseous and once it is down he has to fight to keep it down, not too successful. He is on oxycodone, maybe that could be the problem. I was wondering about your idea Cheryl about the stomach needing to be retrained. It is not used to having things go in orally so maybe trying a little at a time might help, starting with liquids other than water. He does have the PEG. I felt really bad tonight, we went to a wedding and he didn't eat a bite at the reception and just sat while we ate. Amazing though he doesn't complain and it was a great meal!!! I really miss going out to eat with him. I will admit I spend a lot less time cooking in the kitchen. Hopefully things turn around soon.

Husband diagnosed Oct '11 Cancer of the vocal cord Nov '11 removed right vocal cord. Neck Dissection, cancer in one node, .2, very small & contained) Jan '12 Radiation and Cisplatin, 6 doses. June '12 & Dec '12 clear Pet scan. April '13 Celebrating 1 year cancer free since treatment ended.