Hi Connie,

I'm not sure if Shands calls themselves a CCC but they have been treating oral cancer patients for a long time. They have a tumor board that reviews each case. My last biopsie was 8 months ago, results showed pre-cancer. I was due to go back in 3 months but my son got sick and went in to the hospotal and then my mom got sick and was in the hospital after that.

They are recommending that I have the left half of my palete removed, the top left jaw and teeth, and then I will have a obturator fitted. I also have 2 tumors on my neck that will be removed and lymphnods around to be checked for cancer.

If anyone has read about someone on this site that has a similar situation please let me know their name and be able to ask them questions.


PS my husband is from Buffalo and has been to Lockport many times

