There are so so many caring hearts and well-informed members on this site! They have gotten me through the initial shock and anxious moments. I've come back in today -- end of week four -- and will seek information that will help me manage and prepare for the next few weeks. It's getting tough, but these guys have done it and they know what it takes. I feel very supported here both emotionally and with proper information. You have definitely found a great place for an awful event!

Being a caregiver is tough. It's part of what has me here today but you will find several caring hearts from that perspective as well. I promise you, you will get through it! I am weak and very tender-hearted but am beginning to see the light at the end.

Blessings, hugs and strength to you and your loved one!

Gayle, CG to incredible husband, age 53 yrs
DX 10/26/11, never smoked, casual drinker
Stage 4, T2 N3 SCC, right tonsil, node cluster in r. neck
Tx 2-3 cycles induction chemo followed by chemo-radiation 33 treatments w/concurrent cisplatin for six weeks of 7 week treatment
PEG in 02.03.12