Hi Brian, how come you had three different cancers? Can u tell me about this? Oral cancer + 2 more cancers? Oh man, now I admire u so much.

I�m asking because I asked my doctor (I�d like to tell more about him, also a great story, he is the top Head and Neck in Brasil, write several books and had cancer... guess where? HEAD AND NECK! OMG!)if i had more chances to had other cancers as breat, linfoma, cervical, bones (YES IM FREAKING OUT) and he said "your risk are the same from anyone".

I�d prefer to think my risk is smaller than anyone since I already had this *hit.

Well, just curious Brian. If u can tell me i�d apreciate.

December, 2011 - T1N0M0 SSC Oral Tongue sugery (Dec 07, 2011). Partial glossectomy, primary closure. Selective Neck dissection, all 57 nodes free. 29 at diagnosis, no risk factors at all. No smoking, drinking and HPV negative. Can you explain? I can't.