Hi Wendy,

I mirror the comments of everyone that is on here that this is the place you want to be. We found this site half way through my husbands treatments and it has been so valuable in our decision making and a good venue for finding out what to challenge and what to accept, and sometimes just a place to feel comfortable talking about things.

My husband is an athlete too, at your point his biggest challenge was eating to bulk up which went against everything that he had worked so hard to achieve. I am praying your results do not put you in the position that you have to have radiation and chemo and everything I say will be nothing but advice for anyone that finds this site. Pat did not get a PEG and was able to eat pretty much through the entire treatment until the last 3-4 days.

Things that helped him and us: #1 this site, these folks are awesome and have answers to any question you have! #2 We all know that as soon as you receive a diagnosis we start doing the web searches for as much information as you can gather, we listened to the doctors and came to this site. Pat was not "allowed" to research, I did that. It's the whole mind over matter concept and if someone tells you that you are going to feel this way or be able to do or not do things then it is so. Everyone's journey is different and you sound like a very strong woman! #3 During week 1 of treatments, I took a vacation from work and we went on an eating "holiday" we ate things that we would have never indulged in during our pre-diagnosis physical fitness routine. (We BOTH gained about 5 lbs). #4 We used Aloe Vera Sunburn gel from day 1 and he never got the sunburned peeling neck and it just looked like he had been out in the sun. #5 Take your vitamins, get your rest and HAVE FUN this week. Do not fret over things to come. After Friday we will all be here for you. Have a peaceful week, EAT and enjoy life.

Debbie, caregiver to Pat my loving husband of 32 years. T1
N2a M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the left base of tongue. Started on concurrent cisplatin and radiation, first
cycle was 09/26/2011, 35 rad, 2 chemo. Last Rad 11-11-11 at 1!!!!