Hi Kelly,

I'll keep Chris in my thoughts and prayers that his surgeon's hands are divinely guided, that he gets clear margins, and that his recovery is quick and as comfortable as possible.

Your brother is lucky to have you in his corner. I'm sure you are, and will be, able to understand each other the way neither a parent nor spouse could begin to understand. I hope it comforts both of you.

Kelly, I'll will pray that your treatments are completely successful at eradicating the cancer, once and for all; that you will have a speedy recovery, and that you'll be back to your busy life very soon.


Ex-spouse MISDIAGNOSED with SCC-HN IVa 12/10. Tonsils out 1/11. 4 teeth out 2/11. TX Erbitux x2, IMRT x2 2/11. 2nd opinion-benign BCC-NOT CANCER 3/11. TX stopped 3/11. New doctors 4/11. ENT agrees with 2nd opinion 5/11. ENT scoped him-all clear 7/11. Ordered MRI anyway. MRI 8/22/11 Result-all clear.