Nothing is absolute in cancer. And while this is an unusual anatomical site for HPV+ SSC, it does happen. The giveaway is the exofitic presentation, cauliflower shape, wart like, appearance. I would make sure that not only did I get an opinion from an oral medicine specialist, that I had that removed tissue sent for pathology report and HPV typing.

Good news. Sometimes these that are this shape are benign but still HPV caused, just not the bad HPV16. Having said that, to be having unilateral pain at the same time, I don't care for so much. Perhaps just a coincidence. But this isn't something to wait a month for - get another referral and an answer that is gold standard pathology with HPV typing done at least by PCR testing or insitu hybridization. The pathologist will know where to get that done. If not, the bottom of the HPV page on the main OCF site has the link to mail samples to the highly trusted Johns Hopkins lab for testing for HPV types.

Last edited by Brian Hill; 10-22-2011 02:35 PM. Reason: typos

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.