Thank you so much for the education and very interesting replies.

My husband and I sat down with the MO yesterday. I cannot tell you how wonderful this woman was... She was about our age, also mother of a toddler, and was able to answer our questions very clearly and thoughtfully.

I asked her what she would do if she were in my shoes with this disease after reviewing my history, path reports, etc... She really took sometime to think about it. She said that while she may want to jump right to the Cisplatin- she wouldn't. She believes that the risks outweigh the reward right now for my case. I know that I may get a lot of opposing opinions here- but I saw in her eyes that she was being honest- she really took that moment to search her soul- and you could see it.

This was almost a two hour conversation. We went over and over it all.

So, I feel good in my heart that I a doing the right thing. I will do 33 sessions of radiation, and may or may not receive Erbitux as still do not know where my candidacy stands for the trial.

I am scared and nervous about the treatment(s)- but I do think that based on all of my factors- I have a great shot at beating this- and that is the good thought that will get me through.

Again- I cannot thank you all enough for your concern and incredible education!!

When I count my blessings at night- I count the folks on OCF twice!!

Sally, 38 years old
T1N0M0 Left Tongue Lesion, Moderately Differentiated
10 + year history Leukoplakia, Mild Dysplasia before cancer diagnosis 8/2011
Scheduled Partial Glossectomy & Neck Dissection 9-17-11