We have been reading and learning so much from all of the posts here. Thank you. Now it's time to post our information... I may need help in the coming days!
My husband (age 40 healthy non smoker/tobacco user, and HPVneg) is currently in treatment for:
Diagnosed 8/11 SCC Rt side oral tongue, T1N1, one confirmed node
His tumor was poorly differentiated with perineural invasion
Partial glossectomy and neck dissection (sentinel nodes)

We are in treatment right now with IMRT radiation, 30x, and 7 infusions of Cisplatin.

We are at rad #7 and Chemo #1. He is feeling OK. We had to go back to urgent care already for intense nausea this week. They gave him IV Zofran 2x, Emmend and the steroid. He is/has been taking oral Zofran, Compazine, and Marinol. He lost 6 lbs already this week. He is feeling better today and able to eat. Today however, he hit the wall with dry mouth.... all of sudden, it was odd. I have the humidifier pumping! Is there something that he can do/use this early for dry mouth, other than water? Is the baking soda rinse only for sores?

Overall, we have relocated our family for the next two months to get good treatment. We have two young children (home schooled) that are struggling with it all. It's hard to see Daddy so sick, and have Mommy busy taking care of him.

I am the caregiver to everyone! So, I love reading supportive materials here.

Hope to "meet" many of you here. What a great resource and forum!

Caregiver to Tracey

Caregiver to Tracey, age 40
DIAG: 8/11 SCC Stage III Rt oral tongue T1N1, poorly diff with neural invasion, 1+ node (2mm)
Non tobacco user
SURG: 8/11 partial glossectomy and neck dissection
TRTMT Planned: Radiation 30 IMRT 7 weeks Cisplatin
Accomplished to-date: 8 rad, 2 Chemo (9/26/11)