When we were going through the process of trying to locate a primary tumor, we were told that it may be too small to find and that there is a possibility that it resolved on its own. J had both tonsils out and random oral cavity biopsies. They were all negative. We accepted that treatment could not be focused on an identified tumor. He began radiation over a broader field in conjunction with EGFR Inhibitor chemotherapy.

Ex-spouse MISDIAGNOSED with SCC-HN IVa 12/10. Tonsils out 1/11. 4 teeth out 2/11. TX Erbitux x2, IMRT x2 2/11. 2nd opinion-benign BCC-NOT CANCER 3/11. TX stopped 3/11. New doctors 4/11. ENT agrees with 2nd opinion 5/11. ENT scoped him-all clear 7/11. Ordered MRI anyway. MRI 8/22/11 Result-all clear.