My thrush seems to be becoming worse day by day. Initially, it was a small ulcerish patch on the left border of the tongue, now it has reached the back of my last teeth (third molars, I guess). With that it becomes to difficult to even open the mouth a little bit. I was recommended Flucanazole by radiation doc, but I seem to have discontinued sometime last week because of constipation. I will start it back again.

Any suggestions on getting it under control?

- Age 34 at DX 4th June 2011, Non-smoker, Non-alcoholic
- SCC on lateral right border of tongue, T1-N0,
- Surgery done to remove tumor on tongue
- RND to remove 9 lymph nodes, no MET(s)
- 3 weekly cycles of 50 mg cisplation chemo
- IMRT RAD 30 exposures, still 11 more to go