You are doing well--ya gotta believe that! It may start to improve 10 days after your last treatment or it may be longer than that, but it will. Hang on to that. Yes, I lost weight. I sipped any of my "meals". People brought food over--it sat in the refrigerator. Try to keep swallowing though, spit out mucous, swallow water, and get out the nutrition drinks.

I did not gag on mucous a lot--my pattern is that is ran down my throat and was at the back of my nose, but not in my mouth. Don't know why. But what you have described sounds similar to what others have, so I'll let them answer to that.

If you have meds for pain that might help you sleep. Afterwards is when I resorted to those meds. Sorry I cannot be more help. Soon you'll be done with this part of your recovery, and then you'll attain "hero" status as well. (not that I ever felt like one myself, that title belongs to some others on this forum)

SCC tongue 9/2010, excised w/clear margins:8 X 4 mm, 1 mm deep
Neck Met, 10/2010, 1 cm lymph node; 12/21/'10: Neck Diss 30 nodes, 29 clear, micro ECE node, part tongue gloss, no residual scc
IMRT & 6 cisplatin 1/20/11-2/28/11 at MDA
GIST tumor sarcoma, removed 9/2011, no chemo needed
Clear on both counts as of Fall, 2021